
From the Field

Govt cancels Ksh 362m Bachuma Livestock Export Zone contract

The government has terminated a multi-million-shilling contract awarded for construction of the 15,000-acre Bachuma Livestock Export Processing Zone (LEPZ) in Voi sub-county in Taita-Taveta County after the contractor consistently failed to meet the set deadlines for completion of the project.

FAO and IGAD are joining forces against Rift Valley Fever

Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a viral zoonotic disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause severe symptoms in animals and humans. This epizootic disease in animals, which spills over to the human population, tends to develop extremely rapidly following abnormally high seasonal rainfall at the local, national or regional scale.

Young farmer

Agriculture is the future of youth employment

Africa’s richest man, was once asked what sectors he would invest in if he were 21 years again and he said information and communication technology and agriculture. But why would a man endowed with huge financial muscles think of investing in agriculture, a field most youth perceive as an ‘employer of the last resort’?

Policy, regulatory and administrative reforms in the tea sector in Kenya Announced

The cabinet secretary in the ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives, Hon. Peter Munya, has announced new regulations aimed at streamlining the tea sector. The sector has for years been held hostage by cartels who benefit at the expense of farmers. Below is his statement.

Kenya Veterinary Board releases a statement on the Corona Virus Pandemic

The Kenya Veterinary Board through its chairman Dr. Christopher Wanga, has released a statement on the Corona Virus pandemic highlighting the roles and responsibilities of the veterinary profession and the specific veterinary activities which are key during this period.


How will corona virus affect the agriculture sector in Kenya?

The deadly coronavirus has been spreading quickly worldwide. Originating from live animal markets in Wuhan, China the virus has now spread across Europe, parts of Asia and even into Africa. Kenya’s economy largely depends on the agricultural sector. In this article we explore, the effect of the virus on the sector.

Onion farming

Things to consider before starting onion farming

According to Food and Agriculture Organization’s report, half of red onions sold in Kenyan markets are grown in Tanzania. Local farmers are trying their best to address the demand and close the gap, although the demand is always higher than the supply which makes farming onion investment a very attractive commercial investment.

Joe Ogutu, Patrick Kimani with Governor Kivutha Kibwana

DigiFarm wins a Global Award

Safaricom’s DigiFarm platform has won the Best Mobile Innovation for Emerging Markets in this year’s Global Mobile Awards (GLOMO). Digifarm was recognised for demonstrating very impressive collaboration between stakeholders, demonstrating how relatively simple and, by today’s standard, ‘old’ technology can be used to improve the lives of millions.

Milking a cow

What influences milk production in lactating cows?

The heritability of milk production is around 30% i.e. one third, whilst 70% i.e. two thirds is attributed to environment. The extend to which the genetic production potential depends on the ability of the dairy farmer to control environment factors to the advantage of the cow by creating a conducive environment for a cow to reach its potential.

Agricultural trends in 2020

4 Agricultural trends to look out for in 2020

Over 7 million smallholder farmers toil in their farm to feed the Kenyan population. With the population growing, it’s an exciting time to be a farmer. It is also a challenging time especially because of the threat of climate change. As we begin a new decade we look at some of the agricultural trends to expect in 2020.

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